
REINEREN 新天地时尚开业派对


REINEREN是设计师任茜在2012年时创立的。年少的她在结束新西兰MASSEY UNIVERSITY的学习后到巴黎ESMOD继续深造。凭借着扎实的专业知识和丰富的实习经验,2010年回国的任茜参加了CCTV的“创意星空”设计师大赛,成功的晋级到了全国前十强。加上到世界各地采风后,在各国文化的影响和自己的理解融合下,REINEREN的独有风格应运而生。

优雅而前卫,精致又不失慵懒,是REINEREN的崇尚的穿衣原则,也是REINEREN一直坚持的。如果你也喜欢那种法式女人永远走在时尚前沿的优雅,和不经意间透露出来慵懒的性感, 那么,你一定可以在REINEREN中找到所喜欢的风格。

REINEREN形象店交由Fandio Studio精心打造。为了确保店铺的整体风格与REINEREN品牌形象的贴合,店铺里的每件定制家具和配件都是由任茜亲自挑选的。选用2000多个灯泡手工铺满的呈波浪型的天顶和整壁的镜面装饰,使店铺充满现代感。加上复古的大理石和金色元素的配件,将欧式的优雅和现代的简约完美融合,形成REINEREN独有的风格。








细看你会发现衣服上那个熟悉的身影,因为本系列正是REINEREN与全球知名卡通形象Hello Kitty的2016春夏跨界合作系列





任茜: 是的,因为REINEREN所要体现的精神就是独立自主的。然而灵感更多来源于生活的日积月累。留学从新西兰到巴黎,不仅是开阔了眼界,更多是丰富了人生的阅历。

GARCIA: 您所创立的独立设计师品牌REINEREN,所追求的审美哲学与设计理念有着迷人法式风情,优雅迷人却又不仅止于此,请形容一下你的作品中融入了你个人怎样的理念与想法、以及所要传达的?

任茜: 我自己特别欣赏独立自信的,且能够很好把控自己人生的女性。另外我认为女性的性感和优雅更多是由内而外的,这也是需要知识的累积和沉淀。所以我希望能够将这种理念很好的融入到REINEREN中。


任茜: 很多人都会问到,设计的独特性和市场的把握,首先我觉得是要很好的给自己定位。因为设计师品牌更多的是体现这个设计师本人的理念,另外就是很好的分析当下这个市场和前瞻性。REINEREN的设计哲学还是要实穿,只有得到市场的肯定,品牌良好的发展,且又是我自己一定会穿的衣服,就是设计师的个人特色。还有最重要的:整个品牌的文化发展,我们的品牌文化就是做一家中国百年品牌店。


任茜: 首先就是一定要坚持品牌文化,坚持的精神比什么都重要。然后就是产品,对产品的质量的把控,对产品的设计的把控。还有就是对团队的建设和信任。


16AW时装周 REINEREN品牌秀场直击

4月11日,由新锐设计师任茜女士带来的“Walkinginthe city”2016AW时装周大秀于上海时装周倾情上演。





无论是T台的布置还是印花图案,高楼大厦的剪影印花与邀请函上的立体折纸遥遥呼应,无一不蕴含着“Walkingin the city”这一主题。


2016年10月15日16:30,独立设计师品牌REINEREN“2017SS POST OFFICE ”FASHION SHOW在太平湖公园拉开帷幕。

此次REINEREN 以“POST OFFICE”邮局为灵感,崇尚自由,远离他乡,洒脱又叛逆的女子,以邮局寄回的一份思念与牵挂。 邮票,邮戳,以及包裹等元素都成为了这季的亮点。继续延续REINEREN一贯都市现代女性的风格,又融入了一些别致的细节和裁减的设计。使其多了一份时髦,活力与正能量。很多捆绑,系带成为这季的设计重点,并采用的牛仔面料,表达了一种突破,释放自我的情怀。蓝色和红色取自于邮箱和邮筒的颜色,将女性的柔美与坚强相融合。体现出一种新的自信美。



此次大秀中国大陆女演员孔千千、台湾女歌手林采欣前来捧场!采访室两位女星向媒体朋友各自讲述了时尚穿搭经!走秀鞋履得到美国时尚女鞋品牌JeffreyCampbell 倾力赞助;背景舞台的设计成为秀场最大亮点,以邮票为灵感,整个舞台仿佛置身于邮票之中,现场效果相当震撼,记忆犹新!此次大秀妆容以慵懒随性的乱发、暗紫唇色为主;服装上的捆绑、系带元素将本季主题发挥的淋漓尽致!表达了都市女性的叛逆洒脱!

REINEREN“2017AW to be wild”

2017年4月10日19:30,独立设计师品牌REINEREN“2017AW to be wild” 狂野之旅FASHION SHOW将在太平湖公园拉开帷幕。

此次REINEREN 以“to be wild”狂野之旅为主题,灵感来源于在野生环境中的探险之旅。运用了户外服饰的细节与REINEREN优雅的风格相结合,碰撞出一种独特的酷女郎形象。大面积的采用了大地色系,军绿色,焦糖色,蓝色等等。口袋,金属装饰,绑带,流苏和动物印花都是这一季的亮点设计。将棉质感的面料与光泽的丝绒相撞击,女性的柔美中又透露出内心的强大气质。华丽与粗旷的相融合,都是REINEREN2017秋冬的最佳看点。





On the 10th of April, 2017, 19:30, welcome to the "To be WILD" fashion show, brought to you by REINEREN, an independent designer brand.

The inspiration of the "To be WILD" theme comes from being a explorer in the wild. This season, REINEREN combines its traditional touch of elegance with outdoor wear details, to create an unique cool girl look. Military green, navy blue, and colours can be captured in the wild are broadly used. Details, such as, pockets, fringes, bondage, animal prints, are definitely the highlights of this season. Playing cotton fabric with shimmering velvet, illustrates the balance between femininity and female power.

In this 17AW Shanghai Fashion Week New Product Release Conference, REINEREN will continuously trans-boundary from fashion to “foodshion”. It will cooperate with well known international food brands “Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)”, and release “Coffee” and “Ice-cream” sets with fashion idea. REINEREN puts “Wild” idea in fashionable dress, which also be integrated by KFC coffee, and combines unique accessories collocation and fashion elements, then transforms them to fashion collections. KFC’s ice-cream cone set put the interest new idea of it’s appearance and color to the designing of women’s accessories. Designer Qian Ren finds the “Wild” idea from KFC coffee set based on her unique angle of view and artist taste, and let the coffee wild and fashion, annotates the idea of “be yourself”, which is the basic idea KFC coffee wishes to delivery, by her designing. What outcome will it be from the first cooperation between REINEREN and KFC, and what outcome will it be from the trans-boundary cooperation? It’s worth the wait.

In modern cities, more and more people are not only chasing for fashion and freedom, they are also very focused on their own fitness. This year, REINEREN is collaborating with Edison Ye FAN, the owner and creator of an emerging sportswear brand called OMG, who is also a rising young actor. OMG is an original sportswear designer brand, which aims to bring top fashion trends into both men's and women's sportswear. The collaboration between REINEREN and OMG designs around the main theme of "To be WILD", using animal prints, ribbons and bondage to create the contrast between urban and wild in the form of sportswear. This collaboration announces Edison Ye FAN's official debut as a fashion designer, and his ambition to make fashion a part of fitness.

Qian REN, designer for REINEREN, has always been a designer who designs with all her heart, unconditionally accomplishes her design concepts to perfection. Next season, no doubt she will be presenting more exciting works.


2018年3月30日13:30,独立设计师品牌REINEREN“2018AW THE MYSTERY LADY ” 神秘女郎FASHION SHOW在太平桥公园拉开帷幕。



在本季18AW上海时装周发布会中,REINEREN携手致力于“无处不风格”的时尚眼镜品牌Prsr 帕莎眼镜,以跨界形式完美兼顾东方美学,传达一种风格态度,共同推出Prsr帕莎X REINEREN 秘密花园合作款。通过浪漫复古的印花图案为载体完美的呈现出"秘密花园"的主题,饱满的花卉图案经过风格化演绎,化为眼镜之中那些轻轻浅浅的色彩,醒目大胆的色彩运用,极具冲击力,勃勃生机,每一个色彩里都透露出无处不风格的魅力,如同闺蜜之间的那种浓烈情感。闺蜜,就是她懂你的少女心懂你心中的那份期待,会让女孩们想在这里驻足,在花的海洋中与她一起分享属于你们的秘密。



"2018AW THE MYSTERY LADY" FASHION SHOW of the independent designer brand REINEREN is kicking off in Taipingqiao Park at 13:30 on March 30, 2018.

The inspiration of REINEREN 2018 AW “MYSTERY LADY” collection comes from the Gypsy girls. Gypsy girls live a nomadic life in Europe. They are good at singing and dancing, they are the embodiment of beauty and mystery, and they are both passionate and cold in the character, who take Motherland Earth as the faith. Ren Qian, designer of Reineren, is attracted by the Gypsy girl's unconstrained soul and their pristine character, and she blends into the collection. Hence, in this season, while remaining REINEREN’s prevailing spontaneous, elegant style, Ren Qian merged some romantic flowers pattern and constellation elements based on the Gypsy theme. The combination of exquisite craftsmanship and elegant tailoring creates a new flare of folk style and modern fashion. Let us be prepared to see the extraordinary merging of those two at 2018AW collection.

In this season, REINEREN hides the rivets under the fringe, combines the classical embroidery into the blink spliced leather. To weaken the image of her consistent cool girl style, REINEREN have brought the element of bowknot and the style of layered wear. The use of velvet and lace also emphasizes the visual mysterious sentiments and advanced taste, which creates a balance between mystery and modernity for a brand new visual effect.

In the 18AW Shanghai Fashion Week, REINEREN cooperates with Prsr, a fashion glasses brand which is committed to “Stylish Everywhere”, to jointly launch a collaboration of Prsr X REINEREN Secret Garden series. It transforms the oriental aesthetics perfectly in the form of cross-border and conveys a stylish attitude.

It takes the romantic vintage floral patterns as the carrier to perfectly present the theme of “Secret Garden”. The light colors of the glasses are stylized with abounding flower patterns, and the use of eye-catching color combination brings a big impact, which shows us a style of vigour. Every color shows us a ubiquitous style of “Stylish Everywhere”, reminds us the close link between best friend. The style of besties, that is, understanding your real expectations, and it makes you to stay there to share your secrets with your besties in the sea of flowers.

Prsr has always been devoted to the interpretation of Oriental unique facial figure, temperament and cultural genes to show us an extraordinary design and define a aesthetic trend, which meets the glasses needs for Asians . Prsr is pursuing a combination of quality and fashion brand DNA in the craftsmanship and fabrication, incorporating the style of French elegant cool girl's style of REINEREN. In the coming summer, this collaboration of Secret Garden glasses presumably will be the must-have item among your besties.

REINEREN is committed to building a top designer brand in China, and it will explore more possibilities between the fashion and garments to find a balance between high fashion and comfort. To encourage contemporary women to have their own style and independent personality is also an idea that REINEREN has always believed in.

REINEREN“2019SS Women In Glory”

这季的主题取名为:women in glory。灵感来源于一部电影“隐藏人物”, 讲述的是1960年代三位黑人女性如何在一个男权的社会中为了航空事业而做出的巨大贡献,又被称为“不该被隐藏的光芒”。 正如 REINEREN 的定位一样,鼓励女性可以活出自我和自信。坚韧和努力的内在才是女性正真的光芒。所以这季除了延续REINEREN的风格外,运用了一些烫钻的工艺,和一些闪光材质,如PVC和亮片等。将复古的廓形很好与摩登相结合,体现“新优雅”的定位,关乎同时达到男性与女性的美。

The theme of this season is named ‘Women in Glory’. The inspiration comes from a film ‘Hidden Figures’, which tells the story of how three black women have done a great contribution for the aerospace industry in a male-dominated society, so it is also called ‘the glory that should not be hidden’. Just as the positioning of REINEREN, which encourages women to be self-confident. The real glory of women is their inherent toughness and effort. So in addition to the continuation of the REINEREN Style in this season, we apply the hot drilling technology and some flashy materials, such as PVC and sequins. By combining the vintage silhouette and the modern details to define the ‘new elegance’, which is about to achieve the aesthetic level of both male and female.

REINEREN“2019 AW” - 触及巅峰

本季主题取名为: 触及巅峰。灵感源自于 ‘ Touching the Void’ 这部纪录片,纪录片讲述了来自英国的两名登山者为了征服秘鲁安第斯山Siula Grade峰的惊险历程。为了生存而克服重重困难,在艰难的环境下,靠意志力触及了巅峰,又诠释了登山与生命之间的联系。登山看似离我们很遥远,但登山精神却是值得我们探索的;攀登永远没有终点,它是一种直面人性的过程,更是一份传承不舍放弃的精神,通过登山来体现我们不甘于平凡的生活,而追求自我,探求未知。正如 REINEREN 鼓励女性探求生命的意义,不满足于曾经的所见之景,才会向着更高之境前进,在逆境中成长。所以本季除了延续 REINEREN 摩登优雅的风格外,运用了一些“硬”的元素,比如像石头表面褶皱的面料肌理和石头纹路的印花;和一些”软“的元素,比如像湖水般流动丝绸和亮亮的醋酸面料;“硬”与“软”的碰撞,结合80年代的廓形,加入登山装的细节元素,塑造了一个个优雅自信的REINEREN女郎形象,体现了“新优雅”的定义;更传达了“意志应该是我们对待挫折的有力武器”这个理念。

The theme of our 2019AW collection is named as ‘Touching the Void’. Inspired by the film ‘Touching the Void’, it tells the story of two climbers from Britain who attempt to conquer Siula Grade peak in the Peruvian Andes. In order to survive, they overcame so many difficulties, and reached the peak by their will in rough environment, therefore, they exemplified the relation between mountaineering and life. Mountaineering seems to be far away from us, but the spirit of mountaineering is worth exploring; Climbing never has and end, it is a process of facing with human nature, but also a spirit of not giving up, and it's a way of showing that we're not willing to live in the ordinary life, but to find ourselves, to explore the unknown. Just as REINEREN encourages women to explore the meaning of life, they are not satisfied with what they have seen before, so they can move forward to a higher level and grow in adversity. So this season, in addition to continuing REINEREN’s modern and elegant style, some "hard" elements have been applied, such as the stone-textured fabric and the stone texture print; And some "soft" elements, such as silk that flowing like a lake and shiny acetate; The collision of "hard" and "soft", combined with the silhouette of 1980s, and the details of mountaineering outfit, shaped a graceful and confident REINEREN girl’s image, which reflects the definition of "new elegance"; It also conveys the idea that "will should be a powerful weapon for us to deal with frustration".

REINEREN“2020 SS” - Catch me if u want




REINEREN“2020 AW” - Wonder Woman




主题“Wonder Woman”正是Reineren想要传递大家一种自由与生态和平的女神的力量,内心坚定的去探索自我的内在价值。

In the 9th century, the settlers in Iceland were mainly from Norway. Iceland has also become one of the most famous destinations for Norse mythology. Many icelanders still believe in elves, giants of Norse mythology, and some barely perceptible creatures. When the vikings set up camp in Iceland, they lived on the island with all the creatures hidden among the lava tundra, in awe of the Nordic gods they thought ruled the land.

In the Icelandic origin myth, they yearned for freedom and peace. It is because of these myths and legends that the pure land of Iceland has a more mysterious color.

The theme of 2020AW is inspired by the Asgard goddess shiv in the Icelandic epic edda. Yearning for freedom and peace of life in the war, is a "shrew", she has her own ideas and choices, became the guardian of the earth, and she is a symbol of the goddess of harvest.

The theme of "power core" is exactly what Reineren wants to convey to everyone: the power of the goddess of freedom and ecological peace, the inner determination to explore the inner value of self.